What Is a Care Manager
What Does a Care Manager Do?
Care Managers provide peace of mind to their clients and families and work hard to improve everyone’s quality of life!
What Is a Care Manager?
- Typically, social workers, nurses, gerontologists or other health / mental health professionals
- Knowledgeable: specialized training, experience in the field, familiar with community resources
- Follows a strict Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice
When to Refer to a Care Manager
- Dementia & memory loss
- Mental illness & substance abuse
- Conflicted families or sabotaging friends / neighbors
- Refusing obviously needed help
“Dad’s Memory Isn’t What It Used to Be!”
“My Father Is Stubborn and It’s Gotten Worse Since His Memory Began Failing.”
- Refuses to quit driving despite getting lost in familiar places
- Dad refuses to see a doctor
- Bills are piled up, taxes are not paid, utilities about to be shut off
Care Manager Helps!
- Meeting with family – provides education & support
- Evaluates dad & makes recommendations
- Works with dad & family to make agreed upon changes
- Recommendations for a doctor & CPA are accepted
- Moves to assisted living & stops driving
- Care Manager continues to help
Factors to Consider When Choosing A Care Manager
- ALCA membership
- Certified
- Certified Fellow
- Responsive
- Years of experience
- Knowledge of local area
- Services provided
- Fees